Student Play Card
Students will be able to use their DPS Student ID Number at the Northwest Georgia Regional Library & online as library cards.
Account: DPS + student # (Example: DPS12345)
Password: 6-digit student birth month and year (MMYYYY)
Students can and should change their password upon initially logging in for further security.
Access Materials
Access more than 11 million items through PINES, the statewide network of public library systems.
No Overdue Fines
Check out up to 5 books, audiobooks, CDs, or DVDs with no overdue fines. Plus, free access to eBooks via PINES library and eREAD KIDS.
Go P.L.A.Y
Visit the North Georgia Regional Library (Click Here) or visit PINES (Click Here).
Other Resources
Galileo - Access newspapers, articles, and online encyclopedias. Note: Sign in through to access without a password; please contact the library for help.
Explora - Simple portal to access EBSCOhost research databases, providing quick access to reliable information; GALILEO password required.
LearningExpress Library - Take practice versions of the PSAT, SAT, AP, etc. Build math and English skills, and more. GALILEO password required.
Mango - Learn and practice up to 72 different languages, including Spanish and English, using audio and text. GALILEO password required.
Novelist - Find new fiction and non-fiction books to read by series, author, topic and more for K-8th grade. GALILEO password required.
College Readiness - College Board's SAT preparation website. Take practice tests, get registered and understand your scores. No card required.
Other Info
The PLAY card is an opt-out benefit. Your child's Student ID number will act as a library card number unless you choose to opt-out of the program. To opt out of this program for May 2021 - September 2021, please complete the form.